Costa Rica

Many people who need drug rehab or addiction treatment for themselves or a family member are unable to afford the expense, either because of (1) a lack of insurance, or (2) a lack of liquid funds. Drug rehab centers are forced to turn away many of these people.

We have two options to overcome this:

  1. Financing
  2. A recovery center in Costa Rica where the costs are much lower

Costa Rica Recovery does not accept insurance, but they do accept self-pay options at a rate usually less than many deductibles. A typical 90-day stay is 20-30% of comparable facility prices in the US.

A rehabilitation center for men and women who are struggling with substance abuse and co-occurring disorders. Their 12-Step program, adventure outings, individual and group therapy, and use psychological, physical, emotional, and social-chemical assessments. Each personalized treatment plan will include education about alcoholism and addiction, recovery skills training, life skills and coping skills, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), motivational enhancement therapy (MET), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), rational emotive behavioral therapy (REBT), transactional analysis (TA), mindfulness and meditation, focusing groups, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) group and individual therapy, relapse prevention planning, anger management groups, grief groups, 12-Step Meeting and book study, yoga, physical exercise, family program, and social networking. They include a lecture series throughout a client's stay that addresses many different topics in recovery including PTSD, stress reduction techniques, and more. Costa Rica Recovery has a special program for US military Vets that focuses on PTSD. 

Costa Rica Recovery’s center was designed for recovery with clean and uncluttered spaces. The accommodations are beautiful and simple, and they have an open-air patio that is covered so clients can enjoy year-round weather. For the lectures and group sessions, they have classrooms that are spacious yet intimate. The accommodations are shared rooms and bathrooms with air conditioning. Their center is centrally located to many local spots including parks, beaches, jungles, and gorgeous waterfalls. Clients are encouraged to take advantage of the adventure outings such as white-water rafting, hiking trips, and jungle adventures.

Many people ask if this is a vacation. Breaking yourself from drug and alcohol addiction is never easy.  However, where many patients have failed in their local facilities, they have finally found peace in the tranquility of the Costa Rica facilities.

If you would like to set up a call with our team to discuss financing or using our Costa Rica facility for your rehab applicants, fill out the form below or give us a call.

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